* HSE Management System:
The Company’s Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is at top-ranking concentration. Quality policy itself specify: “Quality - Schedule - Safety”. Board of Director together with all employees commit is to enhance always knowledge, improve experience aimed at building and developing HSE management system more and more powerful and stable.
In order to maximum prevent and limit the hazard during process of executing, we have established HSE management system according to Standard ISO 9001:2000. Encompass:
1. HSE Procedure.
2. HSE training document.
We implemented the steps before executing any projects:
1. To establish HSE division at site
2. To train HSE to the whole of personnel, workers or employees.
3. To assess the hazard level before implementing.
4. To supervise HSE everyday.
5. To remind HSE around 30 minutes before start working on every morning,
6. To put the notice board and slogan at working site to remind HSE.
7. To set signal, signal-guide at executing location.
8. To equip clothes, shoes, hat, safety glasses to workers.
9. To re-train periodically.
* Major Awards Received and Accident – Free Achievements:
1. Zero accidents over an entire project:
- Sopet Gas Plant Project (Dong Nai, Viet Nam)
- Dung Quat Refinery Project (Quang Ngai, Viet Nam).
- VKPC Cogeneration Plant Project (Binh Duong, Viet Nam)
2. Zero accidents over a period of 300,000 hours:
- VKPC Cogeneration Plant Project (Binh Duong Province, Viet Nam).

3. Zero accidents over a period of 50,000 hours:
- Sopet Gas Plant Project (Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam)